Monday, May 11, 2009

Checking Seeds

Sunny day, slight breeze moving the branches in the Siberian apple
tree as Gladys checks to see if the tomato seeds that Dick planted have
come up.

"Nothing happening here, seems like they have had enough time to do
something. The flowers sure are pretty. Clark and Pam sent me this
basket with the red gerainium in it. Its so nice to hear the birds
singing. OUU, there goes the dryer. We have to head in and fold clothes"
says Gladys.

Dick has planted Patio Zuchini in pots. There are many trays of tomato
(5 varieties), squash, cantaloupe. and watermelon seeds waiting to come up.
Lots of pots of petunias, pansies, dianthus, tomatoes, and peppers are
waiting for the
nights and the soil to warm up.

There are plans for a rototiller to show up next weekend and get the soil
in the garden tilled up, providing it doesn't rain. Dick is going
to put in enough for Jane and Auggie.

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