Friday, April 3, 2009

Another Song Pops Out of the Air

"Show me the way to go home
I'm tired and I want to go to bed.
I had a drink just an hour ago and it went right to my cerebellum.
Where ever I may roam,
over land or sea or foam
You can always hear me singing this song,
Show me the way to go home..."

"This song just came popping out of the air to
me this morning. I know I've sung it a lot in the
past. Its such fun walking home after the dances
were over. I didn't walk home, I usually rode
a horse or an old jalopy." Gladys chuckles...

"Dive for the oysters,
now for the clam,
now for the sardines,
take a whole can"

"I bet a lot of people around Sayle remember
that call. There were lots of square dances
there for years."

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