Friday, March 27, 2009

The Elks Club

Brad and Sandy are visiting Gladys this afternoon.
Sandy was reminicing about being a girl. When the family
would go into town for shopping, Their Grandad Calvin,
would give them
each a dollar to go buy comics at the drugstore.
They got to go off on their own. Brad, however, was too
young to be let out on his own. Brad had to stay
at the Elks. Sandy said that she remembers the cherries
and the monkeys in her Roy Rogers. She remembers that one
day, Uncle Jack sent out the drinks with three monkeys
in each drink. It must have been while the Rodeo was
going on. Sandy didn't like the cherries so she'd put them in
a separate glass and save them for her grandfather.
Brad says he still has a box of monkeys somewhere.

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