Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Moving at the Speed of 100 - Afternoons

Afternoons are lazy times at Gladys'.

Cup of coffee and dessert with a couple of hands
of cards follow lunch. Gladys wins at cards, of course.
Sometimes she calls Sam Lei or Ted & Peggy to
see how their day is going. She likes to stay
in touch with family, friends and neighbors.

Mid afternoon is time for a cat nap. Friends start
dropping by around 4. Schedule varies a bit from
day to day.

Yesterday Brace Jorgensen and his mother, Jamie,
showed up with the neighbors. The Jorgensens
recently moved from Otter Creek to Birney and are missed.
Duke Blankenship showed Brace the toy box while
Deb and Jamie caught up on news in the neighborhood
with Gladys and Dick.

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